Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy, happy, happy, happy

I'm totally stealing this idea from my friend LSD, because I think it's a cute idea, especially during finals time when things are a little tense. Well, maybe a lot tense, actually. So, in no particular order, here's the list of things that are making me happy, even while wanting to throw my books off of a bridge (or at the closest gunner, you know, either one).

- My three foot tall, fiberoptic Christmas tree, decorated with all five of my ornaments. It may make a weird noise when it rotates on its base, but I firmly believe that sitting in front of its sparkly wonderfulness helps me study. Seriously, I concentrate sooo much better.

- My brand new couch. As much as I love my ugly pink chair, having a whole couch to spread out on is really quite nice. Before, I mostly studied on my bed, which just made me feel really lazy. Plus, there's not much better than a nice nap on the couch in the middle of the afternoon. All the restfulness, with none of the grogginess that comes from sleeping on the bed for two hours without meaning to.

- Grey's night, and my lovely ladies in general. Who else would go to Florida on an impulse, liberally share their closet, not laugh at my bad dancing, and tell me I look nice when I really really need to hear it?

- My fantastic boyfriend. He told me I smelled like sweetness and happiness the other day, which is just the nicest thing ever.

-Retail therapy. Need I say more?

-And finally, the thought that, even if finals are coming up a little too quickly, come tomorrow I won't have to get up every morning to come to class.


Ann said...


Just kidding, Liz. I wish I were in such a good mood! Keep it up:).

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