Thursday, July 27, 2006

Oh oh it's magic

The other day I decided to flea bomb my house, since my vet said it's been a particularly bad year for them. After I was done, I figured it would be a good idea to wash my bedding, since I'm not sure what's in that stuff. Later that night, as Max was getting into bed, we had the following conversation:

Max: Did you wash the sheets?
Me: Of course.
Max: How?
Me: (raising eyebrows) I washed them and then took them to the laundromat to dry.
Max: Oh. Is that always how it gets done?
Me: (really looking at him like he's crazy now) Ummm, yes. How did you think it got done?
Max: I don't know...magic?
Me: So little elves come in and do your laundry, fold it, and put it away for you?
Max: No, that's too complicated.
Me: So what then?
Max: I told you, magic.

There you have it folks...I'm magic.


asenath waite said...

you have *magic* fingers.

Pink Pirate said...

liza jane=fabulous; liza jane=....magic?

The Fantabulous Heddy G said...

Yes... you being magic makes much more sense than Max being a lazy silly man.

Some Girl said...

Speaking of fleas, how is Mosquito? Are his kitty problems all fixed?

Pink Pirate said...

update! arrgg! (pink pirate noise)

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