Friday, July 14, 2006

It has come to this

I love all those little lawyer-inspired things that they put in commercials to discourage people from suing. But the most amusing one to me so far has to be the one from the Orbit gum commercial where Snoop Dogg first goes to hell for his dirty mouth, then gets sent to heaven when he "cleans it up" by chewing Orbit. There at the bottom of the screen, so tiny that you can barely see it, is this:

"Dramatization. Orbit gum will not get you into heaven."

At first I wondered "who would be this stupid?" Then I remembered the cases from our first year casebooks, and I wondered no more.


Pink Pirate said...

and what do they know? maybe st. michael really wants some gum and is willing to let you pass for minty fresh imagination

Some Girl said...

Apparantly Amsterdam has not stopped my proclivity for creepy comments.

Some Girl said...

Whatev. I would totally trunk myself to get into heaven like Snoop, and when they found me I would have minty fresh breath.

Liza Jane said...

Just out of curiousity, for anyone to answer, what does trunking mean?

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