Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Spare Me

After yesterday, I’ve decided that I’m not going to review sessions anymore. When the professor gives the review, it's generally helpful, but when the class is allowed to ask questions, it quickly deteriorates into a contest to see who can come with the most ridiculous hypothetical.

For example, my Contracts 2 review session was yesterday. Rather than do anything that would have been even mildly helpful, five people babbled for an hour and 45 minutes about every possible scenario they could come up with. Even the professor seemed confused after a while, saying “Well, that’s not really relevant…” and then launching into an explanation anyway, the whole time looking as though she wasn’t really sure how this had gotten so off track.

Of course, this behavior isn’t limited to review sessions. One girl in particular spent an entire fifteen minutes one class period talking about frozen horse sperm. She only stopped when the professor mercifully asked “Why are we even talking about this?” We've also, on occasion, spent 45 minutes talking about capitalism versus communism and how it relates to furniture stores. I’m pretty sure my notes from that day actually include the words “blah, blah, blah.”

Now, if something is actually relevant to the class, doesn’t involve a fifteen minute explanation, and might help your classmates, I’m all for raising your hand and asking the question. But if you just want to hear yourself talk, for God’s sake, go visit the professor on your own time. Better yet, just buy a mirror and talk to yourself, because really, no one else cares "what would happen if..."


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