Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Is there such a thing as being gainfully unemployed?

It's exactly two and a half days before my last final of my first year of law school. Part of me, actually 99.9% of me, is thrilled to be done. It will be nothing less than spectacular to finally see the light at the end of the year-from-hell tunnel. The other part of me, however, is getting a little worried. I still don't have a job. Not a law-related job, not any job, not summer abroad (the only good justification I know of for not getting a job). I fear interviewing for next summer, when I'll have to explain to Mr. Hiring Partner why I was such a slacker this time around. Somehow I doubt that drinking daiquiris at the levee qualifies as gainful employment. The thought makes me happy, but doesn't look so good on a resume. So, about a week ago, in a last-ditch attempt to ascend from the ranks of the unemployed, I sent an email in response to call for volunteers to help with the backlog of criminal cases that have piled up since last August. At first I heard back, via mass email, that I could start this week if possible. Unfortunately, that's not possible, as I'm still bogged down with finals. So I sent another email, proclaiming that I was ready, willing, and able to start next week, as soon as finals are over. I haven't heard back. I've checked my email every day, several times a day, hoping to find out that I was needed. So I'm watching TV last night, finished studying for the day, and there's a news story about this particular problem with our court system. There are literally thousands of people that haven't even seen a lawyer yet. People are practically begging for help...but still no email. So now I'm slightly worried. Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty sure that I didn't spend this much to spend the next 30 years saying "Do you want fries with that?


Pink Pirate said...

isnt prof metzger in charge of that? i saw her at the pool the other day and she was encouraging 1Ls to get involved. I dont know if she is your contact but you might try her if she is not to get a response.

PS i have a very strong "free labor" argument that I think you would be in support of. It essentially boils down to "Just Hire Me Dammit!"

Some Girl said...

Dude, you've already had a clerkship with a judge. You're golden!

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