Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Road Rage is so unbecoming

Open question to the police force: Would it be so hard to post signs saying that you are planning to close off an entire street so that I can adjust my plans accordingly? Because I just sat in traffic for an hour, a half hour of which was spent watching you direct one lane of traffic, while leaving the other lane, my lane, to sit and stare in disbelief as your partner chatted away and ignored us. I didn't have too much road rage before moving here, but for some reason driving to school and back every morning makes me want to throw something. Maybe it's the fact that cars in Louisiana don't seem to come with turn signals, or that I cringe everytime I pass a side street, hoping that the car approaching me will actually stop at the stop sign this time. Or maybe it's that my car has been hit in the past month. Twice. While it was parked. It could have something to do with the fact that speed limits seem to be taken as merely as suggestion. Going ten miles per hour in a 35 zone...not acceptable. So, anyway, Mr. Policeman, the next time that you decide to stop traffic for no particular reason, try to actually direct it. Otherwise, I might just give in to my urge to rip off my steering wheel and throw it at you. Thank you.


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