Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh, and This Happened Too

Yesterday, I reached a milestone in my life. A rite of passage, if you will. I grilled stuff for the very first time! The grill has heretofore intimidated the hell out of me for some reason, and despite cooking pretty much every night, I've never actually attempted to use one. However, the prospect of having a patio, backyard, and grill, and of having people over eventually to take advantage of said amenities forced me to overcome my fear. And it went well! There was a minute there when the flames were rather too close to the holly bush for my comfort, but in the end I didn't have to call the fire department, the food turned out well, and there was something about the whole experience that made me feel sort of badass, and that's always a good thing.


E. Lee said...

You ARE a badass...a badass who's now drunk on the power of cooking with big flames shooting everywhere.

Law School Debutante said...


I wish blogger had a little "thumbs up" like fb.

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