Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cooking up a...Huh?

Per usual (at least lately), I have not a damn thing interesting to report. However, I did find this amusing - there's a cookbook that I want, called "Cooking Up A Storm." It's a collection of recipes submitted to the Times Pic in New Orleans after the storm. Anyway, I went to the website today and as I was reading the description, the web page's sidebar caught my eye. Apparently, the three books also purchased by customers who bought "Cooking Up A Storm" are:

What's Your Poo Telling You? Only $9.95 for the hardcover! A bargain, if you ask me.

Poo Log. Another bargain at $9.95. Apparently you can learn a lot about shit for under $10. Plus, the description is amazing. See, it's actually a journal of sorts - "for recording and studying the wondrous uniqueness of each bowel movement." It also comes as a calendar, if you're so inclined.

The Castaway Pirates, A Pop-Up Tale of Bad Luck, Sharp Teeth, and Stinky Toes.

Anyone else confused? I could understand if the list had included books about New Orleans, cooking, the Gulf Coast, Katrina...but bathroom factoids and stinky toes? It's a mystery.


Some Girl said...

OK, a poo log? What? Personally, if I were going to keep a record of something so embarrassing, I don't think I could bring myself to buy that in a store. And why wouldn't you just keep track of it all in a little notebook? I mean, is the special poo book illustrated with poo-related drawings? Does it give you nice visuals? Motivational poop sayings? Free fiber samples? And who thinks that up? Who markets it to a publishing company? "It's a POO LOG! To keep track of your poos! It's never been done! Think of the marketing possibilities!" Who heard that pitch and said yes?

Liza Jane said...

Well, the description says that it has "an extensive glossary, handy reference checklists" and "interesting nuggets throughout," that maybe that's what really reeled them in?

I really want to know what the hell is in that glossary.

Some Girl said...

"Nuggets?" Like, of corn?

Liza Jane said...

Um, ew.

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